Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Conversation at the Boarder of Dreamland

So Bubby lost his second tooth while we were at church this past Sunday. (His first tooth came out exactly 6 weeks prior, on the very same day we blessed our Little Man in Utah - that's a cute story, too. I'll have to tell you sometime). That tooth was pretty loose before we left for church, so D folded up a paper towel and stuck it in Bubby's shirt pocket, in case the tooth should come out while we were at church. I'm married to a very smart man! Thinking ahead like that! Thinking of me, really - you see, I DESPISE stain treating, and yet am subjected to it EVERY time I do laundry! - so that if blood accompanied the tooth, it could be sopped up with the paper towel rather than drip onto the shirt. Like I said, thoughtful, prepared husband!
So, sitting in Sunday School, in walks my little Bubby with a big ole' jack-o-lantern grin holding his now dislodged tooth! He was so excited, he said (3 or 4 times),"I can't believe I lost my tooth at church! I just can't believe it!" pretty cute! Then he said,"Now I get to put it under my pillow so the tooth fairy can leave some money for me!" Enterprising young man! So, I took said tooth, put it in my wallet and said we would put it under his pillow that night.
I. Am. A. Slacker! The tooth has yet to make it under his pillow! SO, here is the conversation that ensued between Bubby and his father last night (Bubby had been in bed for about 5 minutes):
D: Are you still awake?
Bubby: A little.
D: Did you want to put your tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy tonight?
Bubby (very sleepily): Are you talking about the tooth fairy?
D: Yes. Did you want to put your tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy?
Bubby: Dad, I just need to go to sleep so I can have a good day at school tomorrow.

And that, my friends, is a conversation on the boarder of Barely Awake and Dreamland!

1 comment:

  1. I just love you! At our house, the kids put the tooth under the pillow, but sometimes the tooth fairy forgets to come (try digging yourself out of that hole) I need pics of your little man, I bet he's growing fast! I want to see that toothless smile... okay and I want to see you too!
    Lots of love.
